
Our Annual Scholarship Competition for 2024-2025 School Year is closed. Stay tuned for updates on the 2025-2026 application.


John L. Dales Scholarship Applicants must first meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • Members must be current with SAG-AFTRA dues
  • Terminated, Suspended and Fi-Core Members and their dependents are ineligible
  • Member/Parent must be in good standing for 10 years with minimum SAG-AFTRA lifetime earnings of $225,000
  • Member Applicants under 27 years of age must be SAG-AFTRA member for at least 5 years with minimum SAG-AFTRA lifetime earnings of $40,000
  • Dependent Applicants of Deceased or Honorable Withdrawal Members are eligible if parent was a member for at least 10 years with minimum SAG-AFTRA lifetime earnings of $225,000
  • Dependent Applicants 27 and older are ineligible
  • Scholarships are available to members over the age of 27 transitioning out of a performance career into another career

George Heller Scholarship Applicants must first meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • Members must be current with SAG-AFTRA dues
  • Terminated, Suspended and Fi-Core Members and their dependents are ineligible
  • Member/Parent must be in good standing for at least 5 years with minimum SAG-AFTRA lifetime earnings of $50,000
  • Member Applicants under 27 years of age must be in good standing for at least 5 years with minimum SAG-AFTRA lifetime earnings of $10,000
  • Dependent Applicants of Deceased or Honorable Withdrawal Members are eligible if parent was a member for at least 5 years with minimum SAG-AFTRA lifetime earnings of $50,000
  • Dependent Applicants 27 and older are ineligible
  • Scholarships are available to members over the age of 27 transitioning out of a performance career into another career

How Many Scholarships Can an Applicant Apply For?

  • Recipients may receive one grant per year and a total of four (4) John L. Dales Standard Scholarships in a lifetime.
  • Recipients may receive a total of one (1) George Heller Memorial Standard or Transitional Scholarships in a lifetime.
  • SAG-AFTRA Foundation board members, employees, families and relatives are not eligible to apply.

How to Apply

Please note: Scholarship applications on this site require that you create a Foundation account in addition and separate from your SAG-AFTRA member account.

The SAG-AFTRA Foundation utilizes the services of the scholarship and grant management software firm, Kaleidoscope, which will be assisting in processing all Foundation scholarship applications. Kaleidoscope is a trusted source for several Fortune 500 companies, who also use their services, and have the highest security systems in place. The Foundation’s Scholarship Committee and staff will be working closely with them throughout the annual grant cycle.

Over the course of the next six months, members who apply will periodically receive email notices from Kaleidoscope to include: eligibility acknowledgment, application links, requests for additional information, and any final grant determinations and award notices. Please expect emails from Kaleidoscope and check all junk and spam boxes regularly.

The Application Process

What to Do

  • Apply using the “apply here” button below (available when application opens).
  • This will direct you to the Kaleidoscope landing page. If you have not already registered with Kaleidoscope you will be prompted to create a log in.
  • Complete the eligibility questionnaire and submit by March 15, 1:00pm PT.
  • Once your eligibility has been confirmed, you will receive an email with the full application form or an email explaining your disqualification.
  • Your application must be completed and all required documents must be submitted by 1:00PM PT on Sunday, March 31, 2024. No extensions or exceptions will be granted.

The Grant Process

What to Expect

  • Scholarship recipients will be notified of their scholarship award by Friday, August 1, 2024 via the personal email address you provided.
  • Once notified of a scholarship award, recipients must complete a Scholarship Grant Agreement, show proof of enrollment, and verify a mailing address for check delivery to that institution with any student identification provided by the school for payment credit. These steps must be completed by 1:00PM PT on Monday, August 5, 2024.
  • Anticipate scholarship awards to arrive at your institution by Tuesday, September 10, 2024.

Email notifications will be sent from both the SAG-AFTRA Foundation staff and the Kaleidoscope team, our collaborators in scholarship processing. To ensure receipt, please regularly monitor both your email inbox and junk mail folders within the revised timeline above. Take prompt action upon receiving the emails to fulfill the required scholarship recipient response by August 5, 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible to apply for a SAG-AFTRA Foundation Scholarship?

Applicants must be SAG-AFTRA members or dependents of SAG-AFTRA members who are paid current with their SAG-AFTRA dues.

The member must then meet SAG-AFTRA contract lifetime earnings.

Do BOTH parents need to be paid current with SAG-AFTRA dues?

ONE parent must be paid current with their SAG-AFTRA dues.

Are the same materials required each time an applicant applies?

Yes. SAT or ACT scores, high school and college transcripts must be provided along with all other requested information such as financial aid documents, etc.

Note: If an applicant is a junior and has previously received a John L. Dales Scholarship, they need not submit their high school transcripts and SAT or ACT scores.

May an applicant use the same essay from one year to the next?

No. A new personal essay is required each time an applicant applies

If an applicant receives a John L. Dales Scholarship, may the applicant re-apply the following year(s)?

Yes. An applicant may receive up to four (4) John L. Dales Scholarships in a lifetime if they meet the criteria.

If an applicant receives a George Heller Memorial Scholarship, may the applicant re-apply the following year(s)?

No. The applicant may receive one (1) George Heller Memorial Scholarship in a lifetime.

What is the deadline for submitting the scholarship application and Federal tax returns?

The deadline for submitting the complete application with the current Federal Tax Return is May 31 at 1PM PT. There will be no exceptions or extensions.

When are the scholarships granted?

The Foundation will review applications and announce awards via email to individuals receiving grants by August 18. Grants should arrive by September 1.

What grant management software does the Foundation use?

This year, the SAG-AFTRA Foundation will be partnering with the scholarship and grant management software firm, Kaleidoscope. Kaleidoscope is a cloud-based awards management digital platform enabling organizations to fund, design, administer, and host branded scholarship and grant programs. The platform uses leading technologies to deliver an end-to-end solution for sponsors, organizations, and those they support. Kaleidoscope is building a future where financial aid and funding solutions are smart, cost-effective, and as unique as the applicants they serve.

Please expect emails from Kaleidoscope and check all junk and spam boxes regularly.

Is there a sample application that can be referenced?

If you would like to begin gathering information for the 2025-2026 Scholarship Application early, you can take a look at the sample application by clicking here. Please note that only applications submitted through the online scholarship application system will be accepted.

What are the earnings eligibility requirements?

John L. Dales Scholarship Applicants must first meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • Member/Parent must be in good standing for 10 years with minimum SAG-AFTRA lifetime earnings of $225,000
  • Member Applicants under 27 years of age must be SAG-AFTRA member for at least 5 years with minimum SAG-AFTRA lifetime earnings of $40,000
  • Dependent Applicants of Deceased or Honorable Withdrawal Members are eligible if parent was a member for at least 10 years with minimum SAG-AFTRA lifetime earnings of $225,000
  • Dependent Applicants 27 and older are ineligible
  • Scholarships are available to members over the age of 27 transitioning out of a performance career into another career

George Heller Scholarship Applicants must first meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • Member/Parent must be in good standing for at least 5 years with minimum SAG-AFTRA lifetime earnings of $50,000
  • Member Applicants under 27 years of age must be in good standing for at least 5 years with minimum SAG-AFTRA lifetime earnings of $10,000
  • Dependent Applicants of Deceased or Honorable Withdrawal Members are eligible if parent was a member for at least 5 years with minimum SAG-AFTRA lifetime earnings of $50,000
  • Dependent Applicants 27 and older are ineligible
  • Scholarships are available to members over the age of 27 transitioning out of a performance career into another career

If an applicant is a SAG-AFTRA member and the parent(s) are SAG-AFTRA member(s), can an applicant combine both applicant and parent(s) earnings to make the earnings requirement?

Yes. Applicant member and parent(s) earnings can be combined to make the earnings requirement.

Note: If one of the parents, or the applicant, is on Suspended Payment, Terminated or FICORE, that person’s earnings would not be included in the combined earnings. Earnings of the parent(s) or applicant on Honorable Withdrawal or Deceased (providing the member was Active at the time of death) would be included in the combined earnings.

What makes a good letter of recommendation?

  • The letters are dated within the current school year.
  • The letters are on official letterhead, if possible.
  • Letters of Recommendation cannot come from family members or relatives.

What is the criteria for judging an application?

Academic standing, financial need, the essay, and letters of recommendation.

Does everyone who applies receive a scholarship?

No. The SAG-AFTRA Foundation Scholarship Program is competitive and each scholarship is awarded on the basis of criteria established by the SAG-AFTRA Foundation.

If an applicant does not receive a scholarship, is there an appeals process?

No. The decisions are final.

What academic year does the scholarship cover?

From September of the current year to August of the next year.

Once an applicant is granted a scholarship, what documentation is required before receiving the scholarship?

  • The signed Grant Agreement Form;
  • A copy of receipt of tuition payment for school year beginning September

Note: These documents must be received at the Foundation office by September 1 to receive the scholarship check.

Who do I contact for more information or with questions?

Davidson Lloyd, Director of Assistance Programs, 323-549-6649

About the John L. Dales and George Heller Scholarship Funds

The SAG-AFTRA Foundation John L. Dales Scholarship Fund was created in 1973 in honor of the legacy Screen Actors Guild (SAG) longtime Executive Secretary. Since its creation, the John L. Dales Scholarship Fund has awarded more than $9.2 million in scholarships to more than 2,400 SAG-AFTRA members and their dependents.

The SAG-AFTRA Foundation George Heller Memorial Scholarship Fund was created in 1967 in honor of George Heller, one of American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA) founders. Since its creation, the George Heller Memorial Scholarship Fund has awarded hundreds of scholarships to members and their dependents.

Scholarships are granted for study at accredited and licensed universities, colleges, junior colleges in pursuit of securing a college degree. These scholarships are also available for adult specialty schools and trade/vocational schools in pursuit of securing a degree or professional trade license. The number and amount awarded are determined annually by a committee of the SAG-AFTRA Foundation.

The SAG-AFTRA Foundation Scholarships are available for eligible SAG-AFTRA members and their dependents and made possible through gifts, grants and sponsorships.


John L. Dales

John L. Dales attended Stanford University and worked as a lawyer in his native Los Angeles before joining the staff of the Screen Actors Guild as its resident counsel in 1937. He served as the Screen Actors Guild’s Executive Secretary from 1943 to 1973, and helped to usher in a period of labor reforms that continue to benefit performers to this day. Initially, Dales was involved in enforcing the rules governing various Screen Actors Guild contracts; however, he became increasingly involved in negotiations for improved working conditions for background performers and the formulation of agency regulations.

With the emergence of the television industry as a new source of employment for performers, Dales was instrumental in expanding the Screen Actors Guild’s jurisdiction by helping to institute a new contract to cover the then nascent TV commercial industry. His steadfast strategies, along with a principled belief that union members deserved greater respect, led to a series of concessions from the major movie studios that provided increased security and compensation for working actors. During his tenure at the union, John L. Dales served as chief negotiator throughout the presidencies of several high-profile members including Ronald Reagan and Charlton Heston. After retiring from the Screen Actors Guild, Dales served as president of the Motion Picture and Television Fund from 1980 to 1988.


George Heller

George Heller was a founder of the legacy American Federation of Radio Artists (AFRA). He served as the New York Local Executive Director from its inception in 1937 until 1949, and became AFRA’s National Executive Director in 1946. In 1952, the union added the “T” for “Television” to its name, and George Heller became AFTRA’s first National Executive Director, a post he held until 1955 when he unexpectedly passed at the age of 49. Among his many accomplishments in the field of labor, Heller’s final and perhaps greatest was negotiating the AFTRA Pension and Welfare Plan. This plan was the first multi-employer plan established in the United States and the first in the entertainment industry to provide health coverage and retirement security to its members.

The George Heller Memorial Scholarship Fund was established by the legacy American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA) National Board to honor George Heller. The Heller Scholarships have been given to hundreds of legacy AFTRA and now SAG-AFTRA members and their dependents since 1967.

From its early years until the merger of the Scholarship Funds in 2015, each Heller scholarship was dedicated to one of the following AFTRA members and a few executives who had given many years of memorable service to the union:

Jackson Beck • Mortimer Becker • Bill Bransome • Mel Brandt • Stan Burns • Fran Carlon • Lillian Clark • Charles Collingwood • Bud Collyer • Michael Collyer • Reginald Dowell • John Henry Faulk • John Fitzgerald • Conrad Fowkes • Hetty Galen • Stanley Greene • Martha Greenhouse • Ken Groot • Mac Harris • Clara Heller • George Heller • John Henning • Burt Jacoby • Lou Jacobi • Travis Johnson • Mandel Kramer • Don LaFontaine • Dan Mallinger • Claude Mccue • Elizabeth Morgan • Kenneth & Rita Morley Harvey • Frank Nelson • Virginia Payne • Brad Phillips • Duncan Pirnie • Nat Polen • Kenneth Roberts • Donn Schrader • Jerry Walter • Rubin Weiss

Support This Program

The Scholarship Program is free for SAG-AFTRA members, and made possible through gifts, grants and sponsorships.
